Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy /Wholesale/ Gula-Gula (MALAYSIA) KL

原裝悍馬糖一盒三十粒裝/批發價可詢問 -點擊連絡在綫客服

1carton 27 box please Contact for order whatsapp or calling 85257456121 LINE:cy5111

汗馬糖 (Hamer Candy) 是由獨特的配方制成,主要成份鎖陽含有細胞健康所需的營養,如15種氨基酸,三萜皂甙,天然的糖皮質激素,23種微量元素及多種抗自由基成份。氨基酸用於制造抗體蛋白以對抗細菌和病菌的侵染,制造血紅蛋白以傳送氧氣,制造酶和激素以維持和調節陳新代謝。人在陳新代謝的過程中,會產生壹些副產品,如自由基,自由基存在人體細胞,這是造成基因變異及致癌的主要因素。人年輕時抗自由基能力較強,自由基不會對人體構成威脅。隨著人年齡的大增,抗擊自由基能力下降,體內自由基的濃度就會越高,自由基遊離在細胞間,導致細胞氧化,甚至死亡。汗馬 (Hamer) 裏的石榴多酵和鎖陽裏的機酸,黃酮類,柑橘素等就是抗自由基的有效成份。

另外,鎖陽裏的糖皮質激素具有調節糖,脂肪,和蛋白質的生物合成和代謝的作用,還具有抗炎作用。此外,Hamer 裏的三萜皂甙能增加細胞免疫功能,促進抗體以及促進淋巴

1. Hamer® 是天然食品嗎?
Hamer® 是純天然健康食品。
2. Hamer® 對人體的安全性如何?
Hamer® 是安全的,因為Hamer® 所用的原料均為食品。經過化驗,此產品無毒性,無副作用,不含任何刺激素,西藥或禁藥成分。

3. 每個人都適合服用Hamer® 嗎?

4. 如果小孩誤服Hamer® 該怎麼辦?

5. 可以長期服用嗎?

6. 服用Hamer® 有哪些良性反應?
Hamer® 能改善細胞疲勞,血液循環順暢,人也變得精力充沛。此外,能使肌肉更加敏捷,體力和耐力度提升,增加房事素質。

7. 服用Hamer® 會有依賴性嗎?

8. Hamer® 可以和其他產品服用嗎?

9. 如何服用Hamer® ?
每日壹粒。起床後空腹服用,效果更佳。第壹次服用者,在壹個星期內就會看到效果。建議服用Hamer® 後,請多喝水。

10. 服用Hamer® 能喝酒嗎?

11. 女性可以服用Hamer® 嗎?
可以。Hamer® 有效改善女性荷爾蒙,解除疲勞,促進細胞新陳代謝,是女性看起來更加年輕。

12. 為何服用了Hamer® 會腰酸背痛甚至頭暈現象?
Hamer® 是全方面的細胞營養素。這也包括了生產健康細胞,及增加細胞新陳代謝率。此外,鎖陽裏所含的糖皮質激素能促進新陳代謝,以便身體能更充足的獲取營養及能量。此過程會引起種種冥眩反應如腰酸背痛或頭暈現象。但這種現象屬於短暫的,通常在服用Hamer®壹個星期後就會消失。

13. 為什麼Hamer是糖果狀呢?

14. 什麼情況下容易感受到瞑眩反應 (好轉反應)




*Disclaimer: Result using this product may vary from person to person

Benefits of using Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy
help recover from impotence kidney
Enhance energy and stamina
Replenish human cell
Get healthier
Cynomorium Songaricum
Brown Sugar
Hydrolyzed Protein
Frequent Asked Questions:
1) Is Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy a natural food?
Yes. Hamer ingredient is base on natural substances.
2) Is Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy safe to our body?
Yes. Hamer is safe for consumption (As follow the consumption instruction). Hamer does not contain any aphrodisiac, illegal and harmful drug, steroids, etc.
3) Can everyone consume Hamer?
Pregnant women, women who breast feeding and children are not encourage to consume Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy. For people who with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, liver and kidney disease and cancer should consult their doctors before consumption.
4) What should i do if children accidentally consume Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy?
Basically it is no harm to children who took Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy (Unless consume many or long term use). No any special treatment needed.
5) Can we use Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy for long term basis?
Yes. Our body cells are being replenished all the time, long term consumption of Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy helps in maintaining an energetic healthy body.
6) Is consumption of Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy addictive?
7) Serving instruction:
1 Candy Per day (Do not take more than 1 candy within a day)
More effective if take with empty stomach
first timer will feel the effect within few days to weeks.
It is recommended to drink a lot of water after take.
8) Can drink alcohol after consuming Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy?
It is recommend to avoid alcohol within 4 hours before and after consume Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy.
9) Can women consume Hamer Ginseng Coffee Candy?
Yes. It is a total nutriment for body cells and can improve women’s health and reduce fatigue effectively. (except: Pregnant women, breast feeding women)
10) What if i encounter symptoms like pain in the waist and back, or even dizziness after consuming?
Hamer is an overall nutriment that improves that productivity of our body cells. The glucocorticoid hormone in Cynomorium Songaricum can enhance the metabolism of our body system enabling our body cells to absord sufficient nutrients to produce more energy. These enhancement processes will evocate various reactions as described above. However, such symptoms are considered short-term reactions which mostly will vanish after 1 week of consumption. This is also known as the Healing Crisis.
11) Why Hamer is in Candy form?
This is because the nutrients can be directly absorbed through the tongue without being denaturized by the stomach acid during digestion. Being individually packed also make it easier to be consumed anywhere anytime.
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